Friday, August 13, 2010

Stuff Christians Like

Jonathan Acuff author of the book "Stuff Christians Like" also maintains a popular blog at (  An example of a few of his posts are: the youth minister who tries to talk like the kids, hand-raising worship-- 10 styles, wishing your testimony was more exciting, playing the G card, judging someone's faith based on their Bible underlining, always sitting in the same seat at church, and vuvuzelas at church.

      July 10th Jonathan asked the blogosphere for a creative guest post.  There were 7 things he was looking for this post to do:

1. The topic has to be unique to Christians.

“Hating to wait in line” is a bad topic to write about on SCL because that is not unique to Christians. Bipeds hate to wait in line. “Singing hymns while waiting in line” would fit however.

2. It has to be true.

Honesty is the cornerstone of humor. Blow it up, exaggerate it, expand it, but try to start with something that is true. Write about something that happened to you or something that is real in Christian culture.

3. It has to be fresh.

Use the google search bar above to see if we’ve already covered your idea. (And it has to be original and not already published on any other site.)

4. It has to have a twist.

Although it’s technically true that Casting Crowns are stuff Christians like, I will never write about that band. And not because I’m trying to get in good with NeedtoBreathe. There’s just no twist. Satire needs a twist. Everyone knows lots of people like Casting Crowns, the challenge is to find a different angle to write about.

5. It has to be satire, not mockery.

Don’t wound someone with your guest post. Don’t be a Christian jerk. Don’t take a shortcut to an easy laugh at someone else’s expense. Mockery is a great way to get laughs now but it removes the ability to speak love later.

6. It has to be hilarious.

Don’t send a Serious Wednesday post. Keep it satire.

7. It has to be shortish.

Aim for 500 words. 

Spotting a missionary. (& Caption this photo)

Our blog was selected. The comments range from "say hello to Georgia the Giraffe" to "Dad why do we have to sit so close to that scary animal." Click on the Caption text above to see the guest post.


Anonymous said...

Can I tell you how proud I am to have friends on SCL!!! Love ya'll

Megan N said...

That was a really funny post and I can see how you won. That book SCL was already on my list of books to-read. Now I know you could write it too. Way to go!

Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary said...

I'm so excited for you guys!! Great job!!

Kris Thede said...

A funny post and I can relate to many of your points. Here I had to learn to ask my patients if the ants were attracted to their a screening question for diabetes.. Not one I learned to ask in the USA. Sorry for your loss.

Carrie Dickson said...

Congratulations on the post! :) My brother, Mike Saum, lives and works in Kenya and my sweet niece and nephew have class with your kiddos. I found this out after posting the SCL link on his FB wall...I'm glad others have a sense of humor about missions, as well. God bless you!