Saturday, March 20, 2010

How to create "Killer Community" anywhere!

Maybe some of you have been involved in some "killer community" small groups within your church, college, or circle of friends? When a small group has good chemistry the results can be remarkable. Weekly time together is anticipated, strong friendships develop, healthy community prayer practices emerge, corporate faith grows, and ultimately in a gathering as such I believe God is glorified.

Maybe you also have been involved in a small group community that was far from “killer” and just needed to be killed. If you are lucky these groups quietly and hopefully rapidly disperse and disintegrate. If you are not so fortunate these groups painfully endure week after week. Meetings are avoided, conversation is awkward and forced, and the whole thing seems like work instead of spiritual refreshment.

It is clear that God calls us to gather together in community (Zep 2:1). Something special (including prayer, companionship, vulnerability, accountability, God’s word is opened, to name a few) occurs when people make time for God by making time for each other.

Within Kijabe Hospital, Moffat Bible College, and Rift Valley Academy (all three within walking distance) there are probably upwards of 150 Missionary Units (families, couples, or singles). A missionary community this size brings with it the blessings of diverse resources, a dynamic atmosphere, a school for our children, and a strong corporate community. The downside of a community this size is the real possibility of feeling lost. Maybe you have been in community without having community in your church, workplace, or school?

Community rarely just occurs spontaneously. It seems to take a mix of commitment, time, intentionality, and simply making meeting with others a priority. We have been blessed by a gathering of five families that started at the beginning of the year. We find childcare while the adults gather for prayer and study. Shortly after that, the kids return and we conclude with music and dinner together. Is it working? I think so. The attendance is consistent, the meetings are anticipated, and most importantly I think we acknowledge our reliance on God and each other.

I don’t know what makes one small group “killer” (which is uplifting) and another small group “needing to be killed” (that’s OK also..many things God has a season for). But I know God would believe it is worth trying.

The following short humorous video clip is well worth seeing!

It is Jonny and Chachi’s invaluable “advice” on how to experience community at its finest. Let me know what you think.

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