Friday, December 4, 2009

Otolaryngologist in motion

It has been a pleasure to have my (Malin's) parents here visiting and serving at Kijabe for the past 3 weeks. Many of you may know that my father Chris is an Otolaryngologist (ENT) doctor and has served many times as a medical missionary in Central & Latin America, but this is his first visit to Africa. Although I have been the son of an ENT doctor for 33 years I don't think I knew much of what they did besides stop nose bleeds and pull wax out of people's ears. Because the ENT clinic shares the same building as the dental clinic I have taken the opportunity to see what it is that Dad does. I find ENT diverse, fascinating, and most of all it glorifies God as so many patients quality of life is improved. Take a look at the pictures below.

The results of a T & A (tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy) surgery on a 12 year old patient. I'm not sure which is the tonsils and which is the adenoids, but I think they come in pairs and one is missing (but not forgotten in surgery I'm sure.)

CT scan of a 6 month old patient who was born chronically blocked non-patent nasal canal. He will go for surgery next week because he is an obligate mouth breeder he has trouble feeding.

Patient being examined by Dr. Isaac Wahome. Isaac is a clinical officer (similar to a physician's assistant) specializing in ENT. He is doing a month elective at Kijabe with Dr. Friess (ENT). They have had a mutual beneficial relationship as Isaac learns Tonsilectomies and Dr. Friess has a ready translator. They are examining a patient in which she had a tracheostomy placed. ENT's are THE doctors to go to when the airway is at risk either from foreign body or laryngeal cancer.

This nice gentleman came into clinic with sialadenitis (infection of salivary tissue). He came in with swelling under the tongue, puss draining into the floor of his mouth, and a stone (cashew sized at least) in the sublingual salivary duct for the past 3 years. As you can see from the picture it was removed and the patient quite relieved.

A tympanoplasty is a procedure to repair a perforated ear drum. A surgical incision is made behind the ear to access the ear drum. This is the making of a new tympanic membrane using tissue from behind the ear.

Ear surgery in Theatre under the microscope. Many eager doctors and nurses watching as the microscope was hooked up to a TV nearby (not shown).


Megan N said...

Dad, I didn't know you got to train a PA for a month. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Ah, there you are Dr Friess Sr. What a blessing to train someone as well as serve. Samaritan's Purse is getting a good servant in you and your family.
