Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Meredith & Amelia--How they change!

Update on Meredith & Amelia by Dad....

Favorite toy-shoes  (pulling them in and out of the closet and             bringing Crocs, Keens, Nikes or sandals to the appropriate person)
Favorite Food--Dirt, Sand, Crayons, & Shoes
New Words--Ballooooon, Me, Shoe
Most Recent Shining Moment-  In just over 12 hours Meredith 1) pulls antique lamp off coffee table and shatters fixture and bulb 2) falls down porch stairs and receives a shiner on her right eye 3) tumbles down stairs again and receives shiner above left eye...
Most like a Friess- Meredith is specially fitted for shoes and measured to be a five-double wide..(i'm sorry)  I've been told she has a 'high volume' foot..that would mean thick between the sole and the top of the foot.

Amelia (pink of course)

Best Question-  Mommy what does H..E...L...L spell?  After Sara explains what Hell is...Amelia adds, "Oh yeah Mommy, I forgot there was an 'O' on the end of the word."
Amelia's Favorite Foods- Quiche, Salmon Lox on an everything bagel with cream cheese, & pop-tarts (blueberry)
Most like a Cichowski-  1) Mommy that toy Meredith plays with that makes all the gives me a headache. 2)I'm carsick!

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