Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Every Day Life in Kenya

Cars in Kenya are run into the ground, and then after that loaded up with bricks, chickens, grass, cabbage, passengers and forced up hills much too steep for their transmission. This vehicle unloaded some bricks half-way up a hill and recruited some passengers to finish the job, then reloaded the bricks at the top of the hill.

Kenyan Traffic Jam on Old Kijabe Road (picture taken from car).

Jonathan our friend insisted on taking us to Kimende on our way back from Nairobi to his favorite butchery. We order 2 kg of their best cut of meat. We enjoyed a VERY WELL BOILED Kenyan Stew the next day.

The Local Black Mamba (the only type of bike available here) Bike Gang.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is the Butcher sharpening his stick pin to hold together the next meat cut? Grampie