Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ready to have our family back together

Sara and Meredith are currently in the air on their way back to Kenya and we can't wait to see them! We have missed them greatly and are ready to have them home.
Amelia's teacher told me the other day that she had asked Amelia what we have been having for dinner since Mom has been gone. Amelia told her teacher, "Well sometime me and Daddy have cereal for dinner, and some time we don't have dinner at all!"
I did take some exception to that remark as our standby meal has been hotdogs in the toaster oven, ketchup, carrot sticks, gatorade to drink, and boreos for desert.
Sara and Amelia are expected to arrive this evening. We pray they arrive Hakuna Shieda (no problems).


Em said...

You must be very excited to be reunited soon! Hope they arrive safely! Enjoy some family time :-)


Megan N said...

So close to Hakuna Matata! I know you are anxious to have Sara and Meredith back.

Pastor Amy said...

Praying for a safe trip and reunion. It was great talking with Sara while she was "stateside"! We miss you all so much and Sarah regularly prays that God will bring you back to Akron. Too bad there is no longer a house to entice you, but we are so grateful you have (almost) sold it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Sara and Meredith with us. It was so special to have them and get to know them. And, Malin, thank you for your special toast. It was nice to hear your words.

our love Laura and Dan