Sunday, November 30, 2008

The first Sunday of Advent

This first Sunday of advent began with an hour walk. Heather, Beth and myself began at 6am just as the sun rose over the tea fields. It was stunning. A long, warm shower awaited me and then practice with the church worship team. The service in Swahilli and English lasted close to 3 hours. Praise songs, hymns, advent lighting, prayer, offering (one for the church and another for 2 women getting married and for a funeral), a sermon, and even dancing filled the service. Meredith stayed outside with me during the sermon and thankfully Amelia sent to Sunday school.

After church Amelia made a new friend. We now care for a chameleon. She is looking for a name. Any suggestions? Meredith took a walk to the dam. This dam provides the power for the homes and the hospital.

As we start this advent season. I am reminded that the first candle signifies HOPE. Serving in Kenya reminds us that this HOPE is for all people. I learned this as a child through a song. The lyrics went something like this, " Light one candle for HOPE. One bright candle for HOPE. He brings HOPE to every heart. He comes. He comes." Pray we may share in this HOPE with the people here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to begin your time on a new continent and thanks for the sharing.

Praying for you every day and looking forward to your next post.

I pray that those of us following your blog can become a circle of friends to lift you up and cover you with prayer.

Go joyfully into each day, Kathy Bend, OR